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Bass Caught by Daniel with Mister Twister in Massachusetts

Photo of Bass Caught by Daniel with Mister Twister  in Massachusetts
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Fish Information

Fish: Bass, Smallmouth

Size: 3 pounders

Lure Information

Lure: Mister Twister Exude

Size: 4.5

Color: motor oil

Angler Information

Angler: Daniel Kenney

From: Leicester

Country: United States

My Story

Out for a day on the Quab. Nothing doing for a few hours. All of the sudden I caught a largemouth and a smallmouth within 15 minutes of each other. 100 yards apart.
Taping one of my fishing shows. Go fish with Dan Kenney.

Catch Information

Caught at: Quabbin Reservoir

State: Massachusetts

Country: United States

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