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Pike Caught by Randy with Mister Twister in Minnesota

Photo of Pike Caught by Randy with Mister Twister  in Minnesota
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Fish Information

Fish: Pike, Northern

Size: Weight: 24 1/2 Lbs And 48 Inches

Lure Information

Lure: Top Water Spinning Lure

Size: 4 Inches Long

Color: Bright Silver

Angler Information

Angler: Randy Tufts

From: Chaska

Country: United States

My Story

I was out in my waders fishing for bass when a northern hit my spinner bait and we had a day of fighting. He was so big that I was afraid to stick my hand into his mouth out in the water so i moved him closer into land where I could handle him better. He was the first northern pike I have ever caught.

Catch Information

Caught at: Lake Susan, Channassen,MN

State: Minnesota

Country: United States

Caught On: Monday June 23, 2008

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