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Redfish Caught by Adam with Mister Twister Exude™ 4¼" D.A.R.T. in Florida

Photo of Redfish Caught by Adam with Mister Twister Exude™ 4¼
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Fish Information

Fish: Redfish

Size: 28''

Lure Information

Lure: Exude™ 4¼" D.A.R.T.

Size: 4.2''

Color: Shrimp

Angler Information

Angler: Adam Gross

From: Cape Coral

Country: United States

My Story

This red must of been hungry, he hit the D.A.R.T. seconds after hitting the water. After 15 minuntes of fighting, I landed and released him after taking this picture.

Catch Information

Caught at: Sanibel

State: Florida

Country: United States

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