Lure: Super Top Prop®
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth
Biggest Largemouth Bass I ever caught was on a Super Top Prop, I was originally fishing for a big Muskie that day but pulled out quite a lunker. It helped I was able to throw it through weeds without worrying about a mess on my hooks. Thanks Mister TwisterLure: Twister Classic Thunderworm
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth
One of my most favorite worms. I won a tourament with this worm fishing about 40 feet deep in 1993. 4 fish in four casts. I don't fish touraments anymore, but still fish this worm. I'm glad to see this worm back. It will help you catch some nice fish. I've caught alot of fish on these worms. I fished mostly at night. I only have two packs left and had to buy them in Middlesboro,Ky. 40 miles away. I hope Mister Twister keeps making them. Good luck fishing,...... Danny.Lure: 3" Meeny™
I was fishing a Mister Twister Meenie on a very small jig head, and caught a keeper mangrove snapper. I had never caught anything there before! It was not even intentional, I accidentally dropped the line in the water, and on the way down, a mango took it. Then I fished it on purpose and caught 5 more that day. Thanks Mister Twister for your great products and reasonable prices!Lure:
Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth
I love the variety of this product. I bought the grub kit with Teenies and Meenies in 6 different colors. Lots of sucess with it! However. I will buy from YOU and ONLY YOU guys from now on. I got that pack at Amazon, and it cost $10 NOT including shipping. I was very dissappointed when I found out how reasonably price YOURS is. I apprciate it so much.Lure: G-Grub®
Fish Caught: Musky
Today I caught a musky with a 3 inch Pumpkin/Orange & Black Flake (Crawfish color) off a wooden bridge. Good Bait!!!!Lure: 5" Comida
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth
I got a pack of these stick baits for being in a fishing tournament last year.This year 2009 I pulled them out when the bite was very slow.It ended up being the best of my best 5 ever,28lbs.I'll be buying more of the Comida now.The fall of the bait is different than no other.Lure: Steelhead and Trout Jig
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Carp - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Perch, White
This is my second entry for this jig. I must say that this jig is truly amazing. It catches fish. I purchased more of these jigs this off season in anticipation of this fishing season. I went down to the Lake Erie shoreline to fish. The rock bass were coming in to spawn and I knew from the past that they had been biting on night crawlers but on this day they were hitting on crawlers rather slow. I tied on one of the chartruese trout jigs and my catch rate more than doubled compared to everyone around me I ended up with 17 -20 rock bass within a 3 hour period. Dont ever stop making this jig. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!