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2014 - August Testimonials

Jim LaRusso – Gananoque, Canada, New Jersey

Lure: 5" Magnum SinSation

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Pickerel - Pike, Northern

This product is great in thick cover. Very versatile lure

James – Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania

Lure: 1¾" VIE Shiner™

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim)

I got 18 bluegill, 2 crappies, and 4 largemouth bass in one hour of fishing using these Mister Twister VIE Shiner lures. I didn't even move them, just casted and they were engulfed.

James Shickles – ,ponds And Streams, Wisconsin

Lure: Sassy Shad®

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, White - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Catfish, Channel - Crappie (Black) - Perch, Yellow - Pike, Northern - Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow - Walleye

I started using Mister Twister Sassy Shads about four years ago and it never fails to catch fish I've caught more fish with these than all other baits combined. I don't even take my big tackle box with me any more, all I take is a plastic bag with two and a half and three inch sassy shads pearl white and black, a couple extra 1/16 and 1/8 oz. black lead jig heads and I know I'll catch fish. This is in my opinion the best lure ever devised!!!

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