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Jig Spinners Testimonials

JOHN SHEEHAN –, New Jersey

Lure: Jig Spinners

Fish Caught: Pickerel

Using a Spinner form and a 32nd oz. Jig and split tail Grub, my first open water New Jersey Fish OF 2024 was a fine 26.5 Chain Pickerel. Great cold water Bait.

John Spirnak – Western Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

Lure: Jig Spinners

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

I use the Mister Twister Spinner, 1/4 and 1/8 OZ Jig Head, and 2.5 and 3" Sassy Shad as my "GOTO" lure for locating bass on PA Lakes. Also, for smallmouth in rivers and streams. On a trip to OBX - Oregon Inlet, it worked on several sea Trout and a Gar. Over the past 30 years, this combo remains a staple in my tackle box. I use it with confidence when fishing new waters.

Vince Green – Washington

Lure: Jig Spinners

Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Crappie (Black) - Perch, Yellow

I have used Mister Twister spinner forms for at least past 25 years with a black jig that has a rubber grub Twister Tail.
I've done great on yellow perch, bluegill, crappie, smallmouths etc., it has been the one lure that i can count on when fishing new water. Wish I still had some as I lost my last one this spring. I was checking on internet to see if I could find some and found this site. So at least I know you still make them. Anyway, its been a great lure for me.

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