Lure: EZ-ScaleR™
Fish Caught: Bluefish
I tell you what who ever came up with this idea should go down in the Fishing History books for making scaling fish so easy. I can't say enough about this EZ-Scaler, it's a tool you just have to have period. Years ago I gave up on scaling fish with a spoon.Lure: EZ-ScaleR™
Just wanted to let you know I finlly got a chance to use the New EZ- ScaleR/knife you sent me. All I can can is OH MY GOD!!! This is the best thing since the development of the filet knife. I used it on some crappie this weekend and must have taken less then 30 second to completely remove all the scale. Definately a Grand Slam for Mister Twister. You can give everyone make congrats and I will be suggesting it to all my friends. Thank you for this great product.Lure: EZ-ScaleR™
Fish Caught: Sunfish (shellcracker)
The EZ-Scaler works very well on the small scale fish I have cleaned. This has been on crappie and various bream. What I like most is scales do no go flying all over the place and the knife really cuts through the bone to get the head off.Lure: EZ-ScaleR™
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth
Great Product...found it to be very easy and helpful to buddies liked it as well...another one of those products you just got to have around.Lure: EZ-ScaleR™
My grandsons caught about 60 bream on an outing. Naturally they wanted to keep every last one. Me I'm thinking, "Now I have to clean all of these." A friend of mine had told me about the new E-Z ScaleR he had bought, so I borrowed his to try it out.Lure: EZ-ScaleR™
Just used my EZ-ScaleR for the first time. This thing is great! I may never fillet again! I highly recommend this to anyone who loves to catch panfish.