Lure: 2¾" TwisterMite
Fish Caught: Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth
Fished as a drop shot, the rock bass totally swarm on this helgy bait. On a 1/8 oz ned head the smallies slurp it up when bouncing it along the drop off. It's a very clear lake so the natural color (no flake) seems to edge out the other colors.Lure: 4½" Poc'it® Fry
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth
I cut this in half and use it for a ned rig with the 3/32 oz. Mule Jig, and it is the best plastic I've ever used on a ned rig. I haven't used it this way yet but it would go great on a wacky rig or Texas rig. The air pockets give you a very unique presentation that is absolutly worth it.Lure: 4" & 6" Twister® Tail
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Crappie (Black) - Pike, Northern - Walleye
We have been using yellow mister twisters for years, this Memorial Day I caught a sneaky 29" Northern Pike on a little yellow twister, it's just the best lure ever made.Lure: Electric Fisherman™ Fillet Knife
Fish Caught: Pike, Northern - Salmon, Atlantic - Salmon, Coho (silver) - Salmon, Pink - Steelhead - Trout, Brown - Trout, Lake - Trout, Rainbow - Salmon, Chinook (king)
I have cleaned fish for over 40 years the manual way, but now, I'm able to fly through the cleaning process like nobodies business. I was pleasantly surprised with the great control of the blade angle and the speed. I have cleaned some large Salmon and Lakers with this knife and the Mister Twister product has impressed me at every step of the way. If you want to see this awesome product in action, check out our video!Lure: 2" Teenie™
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, White - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Catfish, Channel - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Perch, White - Perch, Yellow - Pike, Northern - Salmon, Coho (silver) - Steelhead - Walleye - Salmon, Chinook (king) - Catfish, Flathead
I use the Mister Twister 2" and 3" as well as the twin tail or double tail lures for a variety of fish on inland lakes and rivers in Grand Rapids and Detroit Michigan as well as lake Michigan on jumbo Yellow Perch. This is the most versatile lure in the world in my opinion. I have caught just about every freshwater fish that swims on this lure.Lure: Sassy Shad®
I am a teenage angler in southeastern Michigan, and I've been introduced to hundreds of baits throughout my life. Among the immense amounts I seen, the Sassy Shad blows them all away. I've introduced the Sassy Shad to everyone I fish with, and they all love it. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you, Mister Twister, for blessing the fishing word with this amazing bait.Lure:
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Perch, Yellow - Pike, Northern
The Sassy Shad, in all colors and sizes, is an incredible bait. This bait can pull a trophy from the water anywhere and anytime; it's dynamite. I have fished the Sassy Shad for years, and I will certainly continue to do so. Mister Twister, you nailed it.Lure: 2" Teenie™
Fish Caught: Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth
I was using 1/32 and 1/16 oz jig head and a 2in Black/Chartreuse Pearl Tail Mister Twister Teenie grub and within 30 minutes I caught about 20 rock bass and 2 small mouth bass.Lure: Exude™ 4" Curly Tail Grub
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Pike, Northern - Walleye
I swear by the Mister Twister Curly Tails.I've caught everything from bass to walleye on this lure it works great.Lure: 2" & 4" Double Tail
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth
I was bouncing the Mister Twister Double Tail through the weeds and I just kept nailing largemouths between 3 and 6 lbs. It was one of the best days of fishing in my life so far. Thanks Mister Twister!!!Lure: Mister Twister® Piranha™ Fillet Knife
Fish Caught: Walleye
For atleast 15 yrs I have owned the green Mister Twister Electric Fisherman fillet knife and with it have cleaned literally thousands of perch, hundreds of walleye and more salmon than I can count. I was amazed with my recent purchase of the Piranha. I first used it on Chinook and Coho Salmon this fall and I produced the cleanest, quickest fillets ever. I didn't think anything could out produce "old green", but you did it. Now I own two favorite knives. The only downside was this fall, after my friends and I finished fishing and they saw my results, I had to clean all their fish as well.Lure: Exude™ 2½" Fan Tail Shrimp
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth
I tested the Fan Tail Shrimp on a number of small natural lakes in my area, I fished them as I would a jig & pig mostly on the bottom in weedbeds in 6-10 ft of water. I caught a largemouth bass on each and every lake that I tried. The largest was 19 1/2 inches and about 4 lbs. So in my opinion, for a saltwater lure to work that well this far north, you must be doing something very right. I'd like to add that I'm a long time fan and customer since the early 1970's. Your Sassy Shad, pearl w/black back in all sizes has been a main producer for a lot of years for me. Thank you for many fish dinners.Lure: Floating Jigheads
Floating jigheads work great for Maumee River Walleye. I prefer the colors, white or pink with a matching color Twister Tail. The spring of 2006 was very successful for myself as I netted 45 walleye in 6 weeks of fishing!Lure: Keeper™ Worm Hooks
I use this hook in a 5/0 with 5 " Bass Assasin and 8# Fireline. The hook sets are positive and hit home every time. I like this hook better than a standard off set hook because I get more use of the bait. When the front of the bait is worn out you can polk another hole and keep going. A plus in my tackle box.Lure: Exude™ Trout Worm
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Crappie (Black)
Long line trolling the bright yellow Trout Worm on a 1/16oz. jighead is a great way to locate schooling crappies on warm summer evenings. A 7-foot light to medium light action rod with a long cast spinning reel is good for both trolling and for casting at fish once they are located. Spool up with thin diameter braided line and a 2-3ft. leader of 2lb. fluorocarbon line. Also expect jumbo 'gills and largemouth bass.Lure: 1" Lil' Bit™
Fish Caught: Pike, Northern
Another great bait for all fish. I've even caught nice northern pike on this bait. I love this in all colors and be sure to experiment. A great year long lure from ice fishing in lakes to fishing small streams, this bait is great.Lure: 1⅛" Micro Shad™
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Walleye
This is one of the best lures I've ever used. This lure has caught me more bluegill than any other bait. I've caught Black Crappie, BlueGill, Pumpkindseed, Perch, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass and Walleye. I fish this bait with a 1/32 Jig matching the color of the bait to the jig head. I use 6 lb. limp mono line like Trilene XL. The Black/Silver Micro Shad is a great all purpose color for lots of fish. Put these on and hold on because you could catch anything.Lure: 4" & 6" Twister® Tail
My family has been using the brown and orange Mister Twister for as long as I've been around and we've never had more luck with any other lure! Thanks Guys!